
From Corporate to Compassionate; The Story of Shoosh World

For 25 years, I navigated the corporate world and did all kinds of jobs to make a fortune. It, however, took getting diagnosed and then defeating cancer, to realize that I didn’t want to waste any more time.  I wanted to put my passion into action, and that’s when the idea to start Shoosh World was born!

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated with animals. Big or small, furry or bald, regardless of their kind, type, size or age- I have always been fascinated by their world and their ability to love unconditionally. I felt that, one day, I should replicate it in some capacity.

Growing up, I drove my parents’ crazy. Demanding and making them get me the weirdest of pets, so I could take care of them. Living in a close-knit community with my family, it was easy to have them because everyone would pitch in. Whether we were traveling or busy with work, we knew our pets would be well looked after.

However, when I moved to Dubai, I quickly realized how much harder it was to be a pet’s parent. The first year, I didn’t even get a pet. I was busy with work, and I didn’t feel like I could give a pet the care it deserved. But one day, a cat chose me. She walked over, sat on my lap, and before I knew it, she had become a part of my life. Hardly could I know that she was pregnant, and soon after, I became the proud parent of six adorable kittens. They were born in a drawer in my house, and from that moment, the six of them were a part of my family for a long, long time. They moved countries with me, and I truly learnt the difference between having a pet and having a furry member of the family.

I rescued my first senior dog and brought her to Dubai, where I discovered that she had numerous medical issues. Despite my best efforts, she passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a devastating loss, but it also reaffirmed my passion for animal welfare.

That was when I got Pearl, a three-year-old dog who also has some chronic health conditions that don’t stop her from living her best life. Pearl and all my other fur babies are the driving force behind my decision to open Shoosh World. I wanted to create a safe, comfortable, and welcoming space for pets where they could receive the attention they deserve while their owners are away.

Finding the right place to board your pets can be a challenge, especially when you’re juggling multiple animals with different needs. I used to dread dropping them off at different centers, and the exorbitant fees only added to the stress. And when I would get updates and pictures, my heart would sink seeing how unhappy they looked. It was obvious that they were uncomfortable, not enjoying their stay.

This experience has motivated me to create a solution for pet owners like myself, who want to give their furry friends the best possible care. At Shoosh World, we provide a range of services that cater to the specific needs of each animal. We understand that every pet is unique, and we tailor our approach to ensure that they feel at home while enjoying our care.

Shoosh World is not just another pet care facility. It is a place where pets’ parents can rest assured that their furry family members are receiving the same love and care as they would at home. As the founder, I have experienced first-hand the struggles of finding a reliable and affordable day care and boarding facility for my own pets. I have paid a fortune, and yet, seen my pets become uncomfortable and stressed in new environments.

Shoosh World is a place where pets can feel they are an essential part of our family. I understand what it takes to make my own pets happy and comfortable. Therefore, I seek to bring that same level of care to every pet that comes through our doors.

Our team is dedicated to making sure every pet has a customized experience that meets their specific needs. We offer a range of packages to accommodate different schedules and preferences. Whether your pet needs a relaxing stay or an active day of play, we have it all covered.

At Shoosh World, we are more than just a business. We are passionate about changing the way pet care facilities are run. We want to redefine the standards and eliminate the financial burdens that pets’ parents often face when trying to provide the best care for their furry family members. That’s why we are committed to delivering more than expected and providing exceptional service every time.

At Shoosh World, each and every animal matters. So, we cannot wait to care for yours as if they were our own!






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